PL/SQL Determine Table Size

Original Source Link COLUMN TABLE_NAME FORMAT A32 COLUMN OBJECT_NAME FORMAT A32 COLUMN OWNER FORMAT A10 SELECT    owner, table_name, TRUNC(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) Meg FROM (SELECT segment_name table_name, owner, bytes  FROM dba_segments  WHERE …

JDeveloper Change Java Location

To change the Java location that JDeveloper uses. 1). Locate the file E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\client32\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf 2). Open the file in Notepad 3). Remove the line that starts with SetJavaHome 4). Save the …

Select Tables with Row Count

TSQL –all tables and rowcount (in descending order by count) select ‘[‘+SCHEMA_NAME(t.[SCHEMA_ID])+’].[‘+t.NAME+’]’ AS [fulltable_name], SCHEMA_NAME(t.[SCHEMA_ID]) as [schema_name],t.NAME as [table_name] ,i.rows from sys.tables t INNER JOIN sysindexes i ON (t.object_id = …

Rebuild INVALID Oracle Objects

SELECT ( case when object_type = ‘VIEW’ THEN ‘ALTER VIEW ‘ || object_name || ‘ COMPILE;’ when object_type = ‘PROCEDURE’ THEN ‘ALTER PROCEDURE ‘ || object_name || ‘ COMPILE;’ when …

Call Java from PLSQL

1). Create a Java class public class EDCTest1 {    public static String getsometext() {       return "this is test text";    } } 2). Load the class …