Visual Studio 2010 and higher has this built in: Analyze > Calculate Code Metrics
Visual Studio Plugin:
Powershell (counts non blanks):
PS C:\> (dir -include *.cs,*.xaml -recurse | select-string .).Count
PS C:\>
PS C:\>
Customize the extension list as needed:
PS C:\> (dir -include *.cs,*.cpp,*.h,*.idl,*.asmx -recurse | select-string .).Count
PS C:\>
PS C:\>
Slick Edit Gadgets looked promising but I didnt try it.
$path = "C:\path\to\solution\folder"
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Include *.cs,*.ts,*.vb -Recurse `
| ? { $_.FullName -notmatch ".*\\obj\\.*" } `
| ? { $_.FullName -notmatch ".*\\node_modules\.*" }
$shortNames = $files | % {
$fullName = $_.FullName
$lines = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($fullName)
$lines = $lines | ? { -not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) }
$data = @{};
$data.Name = $_.Name
$data.LineCount = $lines.Length
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $data
} | Sort-Object -Property LineCount -Descending
#$biggest = $shortNames | Select-Object -First 100
$count = $shortNames | Measure-Object -Sum -Average -Property LineCount
Write-Host $count.Sum $count.Average
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Include *.cs,*.ts,*.vb -Recurse `
| ? { $_.FullName -notmatch ".*\\obj\\.*" } `
| ? { $_.FullName -notmatch ".*\\node_modules\.*" }
$shortNames = $files | % {
$fullName = $_.FullName
$lines = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines($fullName)
$lines = $lines | ? { -not [System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) }
$data = @{};
$data.Name = $_.Name
$data.LineCount = $lines.Length
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $data
} | Sort-Object -Property LineCount -Descending
#$biggest = $shortNames | Select-Object -First 100
$count = $shortNames | Measure-Object -Sum -Average -Property LineCount
Write-Host $count.Sum $count.Average
Returns 1.4million lines
PS C:\> choco install cloc --version=1.80
PS C:\> cloc --include-lang=PHP,JavaScript,HTML --exclude-dir=.git,.github,.idea,.platform,.vscode,cache,config,libraries,PHP,releases,resources,node_modules .
Language files blank comment code
PHP 4633 90307 180256 426931
JavaScript 200 2092 1464 16225
HTML 95 262 459 9499
SUM: 4928 92661 182179 452655
PS C:\> cloc --include-lang=PHP,JavaScript,HTML --exclude-dir=.git,.github,.idea,.platform,.vscode,cache,config,libraries,PHP,releases,resources,node_modules .
Language files blank comment code
PHP 4633 90307 180256 426931
JavaScript 200 2092 1464 16225
HTML 95 262 459 9499
SUM: 4928 92661 182179 452655